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清朝 - 开泰图宮庭画家郎世宁
Qing Dynasty – Three Sheep Palace Painting By Giuseppe Castiglione

公元(1688年 - 1766年) A.D. (1688 - 1766)

郎世宁,原名朱塞佩·伽斯底里奥内(意大利语:Giuseppe Castiglione,1688年7月19日-1766年7月17日),意大利人天主教耶稣会传教士中国宫廷画家,写实画风纪录了清朝初期的中国宫廷人物与景色。此【开泰图】整幅作品章法自如,设色艳丽,西式手法明显。作品独创是联合意式方法与中国的美学。郎世宁从剧场画法的透视感,呈现出三羊开泰图的风光。这是一个具有不同重点的透视感,而不是一个线性的透视。郎世宁的方法,是用交点透视(linear perspective),或称直线透视法,让透视视觉跟中华画空间的方式结合,是一件较为典型的宫廷题材的珍品,也是郎世宁的上乘之作。

Lang Shi Ning, formerly known as Giuseppe Gasstirio (Italian: Giuseppe Castiglione, July 19, 1688 – July 17, 1766) of Italian descent was a Catholic Jesuit missionary and Chinese court painter. His realistic painting style documented the Chinese court figures and scenery in the early Qing Dynasty. This [Kai Tai Painting] is a reflection of his skilled painting abilities. The colors are gorgeous and the Western style influence is obvious. The work is a unique combination of Italian painting methods and Chinese aesthetics. Using the perspective of Lang Shi Ning’s theatrical quality painting, he presents a glorious scene of San Yang Kai Tai. This is a perspective with various points of focus and not just a linear perspective. Lang Shi Ning’s method was to use the focal perspective, also known as the linear perspective, to combine perspective vision with the Chinese style of painting space. It is a masterpiece depicting the typical court theme, and a superior work of Lang Shi Ning.

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长度Length – 84mm     宽度Width – 44.5mm

重量Weigh – 370gm   底面颜色 Bottom Side Color – 黃橙 Light Orange

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